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Pasta Martelli 20 Confezioni di Spaghetti da 500 Gr

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20 confezioni da 500 gr di spaghetti di semola di grano duro.
Il prodotto è ottenuto impastando semola e acqua fredda, trafilato in stampi dibronzo per una maggiore porosità e essiccato per 50 ore a bassa temperatura all’interno di celle staticheper mantenere le caratteristiche organolettiche.

Ingredienti: Semola di Grano Duro.Metodo di Lavorazione: trafilato in bronzo e essiccato per 50 ore a bassa temperaturaCaratteristiche
umidità media: 11,40 %
ceneri 0,80%
acidità, espressa in gradi, massimo 3Caratteristiche Batteriologiche: La pasta prodotta è conforme alla legge n.580 del 04.07.67 e successive modifiche.Data di scadenza: Come da indicazioni di legge la pasta secca deve avere una scadenza non superiore a 3 anni.

The mandatory information referred to in EU Reg. 1169/2011 is contained in this section and in the attached photographic material. The information on the product labels may vary for reasons independent of us, therefore there may be discrepancies between the information on the site and those on the products delivered. We invite you to always check the information on the product before its consumption or use. For more information, please contact Customer Service at the references indicated in the "Supporto" section.
More than 90 years of history and tradition. An artisan reality that since 1926 , from generation to generation, handed down pasta culture: the choice of the best flours, the use of pure water and a slow drying process at low temperatures, respecting the right times to obtain a tasty and fragrant paste, excellent for absorbing any type of seasoning. Martelli Paste prefers to machines the attentive eye of its expert pasta makers, who over decades of hard work have accumulated skills and experience, with the aim of rediscovering the authentic and genuine taste pasta “as it once was” to always bring the best to your table.
Estimated between Wednesday 15 May and Tuesday 21 May.

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