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Frantoio Gullo Sicilia 6 bottiglie - Olio Extra Vergine di oliva 500 ml

62.50 -10% 56.29
Sale Terminated



Delivery and Returns

L'olio extravergine d'oliva "Terre senz'acqua", proviene da uliveti coltivati nel rispetto assoluto dell'ambiente, senza uso di anticrittogamici. La raccolta viene eseguita rigorosamente a mano per mantenere il frutto integro e garantire un olio dalle qualità organolettiche ottimali. L'estrazione dell'olio, eseguita mediante spremitura a freddo, viene gestita con particolare attenzione, in modo da mantenere gli antiossidanti (polifenoli e fenoli) presenti nell'olio d'oliva in modo da garantire la conservabilità e la stabilità del prodotto.

Confezione: 6 bottiglie da 500 mlVarietà olive: BiancolillaLocalità terreni: Aliminusa e Montemaggiore BelsitoAnnata: 2017Spremitura: a freddoColore: Verde con riflessi gialliProfumo: Erbaceo, con sentori di mandorla e carciofoGusto: Note di piccante medio-leggera; amaro medioRiconoscimenti: 3° classificato "L'Oro di Italia"

The mandatory information referred to in EU Reg. 1169/2011 is contained in this section and in the attached photographic material. The information on the product labels may vary for reasons independent of us, therefore there may be discrepancies between the information on the site and those on the products delivered. We invite you to always check the information on the product before its consumption or use. For more information, please contact Customer Service at the references indicated in the "Supporto" section.
The Gullo company is located in the municipality of Aliminusa, a town in the province of Palermo and is located at about 450 meters above sea level in the Valle del Torto, in a hilly area inserted in the lower Madonie. Il Frantoio was founded in 1995 and is managed by young entrepreneurs who are very attached to this land and with a great passion for olive growing. The name of the oil “Lands without water” describes the characteristics of the Armisch territory, the ancient name of Aliminusa, in fact means waterless valley in Arabic. Ours is a company that seeks to make the new generations live and make known to the new generations the natural beauty of our rural landscape, but also the goodness and authenticity of the products agri-food that are grown in the territory.
Estimated between Friday 27 September and Thursday 3 October.

For more information on our return policy, please see our section Returns and refunds