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Scarpato Colomba senza canditi 1 kg

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La colomba senza Canditi di Scarpato è un delizioso e soffice dolce prodotto rigorosamente artigianale, profumatissimo e realizzato esclusivamente a lievitazione naturale, senza agrumi canditi. Confezione: 1 colomba da 1 kgIngredienti: farina di FRUMENTO, UOVA fresche, Glassa [zucchero, albume d’UOVO, zucchero a velo (zucchero, amido di mais), olio di semi di girasole, farine precotte di riso e di FRUMENTO integrale, farina di MANDORLE, farina di mais, conservante: potassio sorbato], zucchero, lievito naturale (farina di FRUMENTO, acqua), BURRO, pasta di arancia (scorze d'arancia, sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio, zucchero), MANDORLE, zucchero in granella, tuorlo d’UOVO fresco, emulsionanti: mono- e digliceridi degli acidi grassi di origine vegetale, LATTE intero, sciroppo di glucosio, aromi naturali, burro di cacao, sale, LATTE scremato in polvere.Contiene: uova, mandorle, latte, frumento (glutine).Può contenere NOCCIOLE, PISTACCHI e SOIA.Shelf life: 7 mesi

The mandatory information referred to in EU Reg. 1169/2011 is contained in this section and in the attached photographic material. The information on the product labels may vary for reasons independent of us, therefore there may be discrepancies between the information on the site and those on the products delivered. We invite you to always check the information on the product before its consumption or use. For more information, please contact Customer Service at the references indicated in the "Supporto" section.
Since 1888 Scarpato represents the true Veronese artisan pastry, a confectionery excellence on the Italian scene. Taste the products processed and kneaded by hand, unique for their softness, flavor and fragrance. The leavening and cooking are carried out with seriousness and passion, the result: delicious artifacts that come to life thanks to the care and respect for natural cycles. Panettone, Pandoro and Scarpato Dove. The law says that in order to be called panettone, a product must be made with sourdough. For this reason, in Scarpato we use only natural yeast from a white mother, handed down since 1888 and refreshed every day of the year by our pastry chefs, with the addition of water and flour, to always give new nourishment to the microorganisms that release the natural components and create the dough to rise.
Estimated between Monday 20 May and Tuesday 21 May.

For more information on our return policy, please see our section Returns and refunds